Words About Art / Quartet of Beings
Words About Art/ Quartet of Beings emerged from consulting work with elementary school teachers and their students. After a conversation about the power of the arts to motivate learning, Cameron’s consulting partner - anthropologist and writer Amanda Parsons – wrote up a list of words about art, each in groups of four, that she found inspiring.
discover learn create say listen share dream respect work play read express risk inspire think transform try be see enjoy encourage cooperate care dare act innovate question perform add multiply subtract explore investigate experiment commit divide discover learn create say ask innovate question perform risk inspire think transform
Words About Art/Quartet of Beings
#1 listen share dream respect
#2 encourage cooperate care dare
#3 risk inspire think transform
#4 explore investigate experiment commit
Date: 2006-2007
Medium: Fiber/mixed media
Materials: cotton, rayon, linen, paper, wood, paint
Techniques: weaving, embroidery, printing
Dimensions H 21”- 32 x W 4” x D 2”
Photo: Andrew Neuhart
Words About Art/Quartet of Beings, detail