Recollection / Wheat Fields
Recollection/Wheat Fields, Palouse WA
Private commission
Date: 2021
Medium: Fiber/mixed media
Materials: linen and paper yarns, silk and cotton fabric, wood and paint
Techniques: weaving, photographic transfer, embroidery
Dimensions: H 40” W 60”
Photo: Cecily Brown
Recollection/Wheat Fields, Palouse WA, detail
This work was commissioned by art collector and avid photographer William Feldman. Photographs taken by Mr. Feldman were printed onto cloth, deconstructed, woven and stitched – resulting in this abstracted composition of pattern, texture and color. Recollection refers to additional photographs embedded between the layers of the work – honoring the textile tradition of a “memory quilt” but constructed with images known only to the photographer and the artist.