Threads of Time/Lyon Weavers’ Staircase #1, #2 and #3


Threads of Time/ Lyon Weavers’ Staircase is inspired by a former Jacquard weaving live/work building in an old neighborhood of Lyon, France that was a center of silk weaving in times past. “When I look at this staircase, I think of the many feet of weavers and their families that went up and down these stairs, wearing down the stone with their repeated passings. I hear the noise of the looms, feel the vibrations of the weaving process, and smell the sweat of the weavers working in the summer heat. I think about wives and children using this stairway multiple times a day, and the echoes of their conversations and footfalls in the stairwell. A satin weave structure was integrated into the foundational cloth as a tribute to the many anonymous silk weavers who created textiles of extraordinary beauty.”


Reflections/ North Lake #1 and #2, Eastern Sierra, CA