ARTSgarage Launch - February 2011

February marked the official launch of ARTSgarage. In that spirit, I spent a lovely rainy February afternoon with a friend in Berkeley looking through her incredible selection of art and textile books, workshop notes and magazines. This counts as research, now that the ARTSgarage library has morphed from an accidental archive into a real reference library. I have a great excuse to acquire MORE BOOKS. Not that I need an excuse since my greatest dilemma when I have a free afternoon is "Do I read or do I make?"

These are three of the books I browsed through and now "desire to acquire."

On the day of the Oscars, we gathered in ARTSgarage for the first peer-to-peer createIT session. What a fun and interesting group of people, and of course they all left with swag bags given this is Hollywood!

A light moment as a fiber godess, the book of explorations that guided us, and an example of a texture study based on one of the explorations.



Textile Expressions and Global Yarns - March 2011


Valya's Work of Art - January 2011