How String Changed the World - March 2010
On my drive north to share "How String Changed the World" with the Central Coast Weavers Guild, I turned on the radio and caught this "Ears on Art" interview with two guild members, Roberta Foster and Kay Thorne. They spoke about an exhibit they had organized for the San Luis Obispo County Library on the rich history of spinning and weaving. What a great way to get our passions out to the larger world - an interview on a popular radio station with an interviewer who considers textiles to be another art form, a library interested in showcasing textiles, and guild members willing to create such a terrific display. And how fun to have these two women in my class the following day!
Link to, enjoy, and pass it along.
Below, left - (re)designing an early loom. Below, right - my hostess, Sally Knight, in her studio.